Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Duelist Series Qualifier
Tuesday, December 18th
Registration begins at 5:30pm
Play begins at 6:30pm
$10 Entry fee
Each player will receive TWO OTS Tournament Booster Packs just for playing!
-Advanced Constructed Format -Swiss Tournament with playoff cut -Deck Lists are required for this event
1st Place = One (1) UDS Qualifier Winner Pin One (1) UDS Qualifier Top Cut Pin One (1) UDS Qualifier Lanyard (40) UDS Points
2nd - 8th Place = One (1) UDS Qualifier Top Cut Pin One (1) UDS Qualifier Lanyard (20) UDS Points
We'll be adding one OTS Tournament Booster Pack per player to the prize pool. Prizes will be awarded among top finishers.
For additional information regarding the Ultimate Duelist Series, please go to http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/ultimateduelist/.