Yu-Gi-Oh OTS Championship
Saturday, March 7th
Registration opens at 10am
Play begins at 11am
$20 Entry Fee
Each player will receive their choice of FIVE booster packs OR 4 OTS Tournament Packs with their entry! -Advanced Format -Constructed Deck -Swiss Rounds with Playoff Cut -Deck Lists will be required. Prizes: 1st Place = One (1) OTS Championship Game Mat, Invite to the 2020 World Championship Qualifier 2nd Place = 2020 World Championship Qualifier (WCQ) Invite Top 4 = 2020 World Championship Qualifier (WCQ) Invite We'll be adding TWO booster packs per player into the prize pool. Please be sure to bring your COSSY ID with you as well as a photo ID to participate in this event. If you do not have a COSSY ID we will assign you one at the tournament.