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Yu-Gi-Oh 3 vs 3 Team Tournament

Sunday, March 24th

Registration opens at 11am

Play begins at 12pm

Entry Fee: $20 Per Player / $60 Per Team

Each player will receive 4 OTS Tournament Packs with their entry! 3 player teams. Swiss Rounds followed by a Single-Elimination Playoff Top Cut (If necessary). Best 2 out of 3 Matches as a team. Two team members winning their Matches will equal a Team Match win. Once two members of a team win their respective Matches, the Duel is over. Each individual team member will play their matches independently, best 2 out of 3 Matches. There will be no sharing of cards or fields between teammates, each Duelist plays their own opponent. Duelists on the same team can communicate with each other, if it does not significantly slow down the pace of an ongoing Match. Time Limit: 45 Minutes per Swiss Round. For Single Players or Teams short of a Player: Please arrive early so that teams that have less than 3 members can fill out their team, or single players can find a team to join. Prizes: Each player on the winning team will receive a booster box! 2nd Place Team - Two booster boxes -Minimum 6 teams for full prizes. -Additional prizes at 8+ teams!

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